MOMENTUM Online Coaching Experience

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Do you want access to additional tools, training videos and resources to advance you in your riding journey?

Then you’re in the right place because that’s exactly why we created our Momentum coaching experience!

From live Q and A sessions to printable resources you can keep in your backpocket as you ride, you’ll love what you discover inside Momentum.

Salley Pelleboer


“I feel like my Momentum membership paid for itself in one post.

The “Anatomy of a Great Warm-Up” helped me feel confident in what I’m doing when I’m riding my mare. 

I’m so glad to have this resource for when I head out to ride! Now I know what I should be doing!”

Sally Smith-Pelleboer


Besides valuable resources, riding buddies are the best buddies, right?! Our Momentum Community is really incredible.

The enthusiasm our community has for progressing their skills and knowledge is contagious. Plus, they like to have fun and support one another. Who doesn’t want to be a part of that?!

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Registration for Momentum is currently closed.

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