You want to improve your riding skills and you want to do it NOW. You want to make better use of the time in between lessons or clinics so you’re constantly progressing.
You can’t stand feeling like you’ve hit a plateau or that you’re starting all over again.
Keeping your horse feeling his best is important to you, but it’s hard to sift through all the information out there, not to mention all the opinions that go along with it.
You want to enter the show pen with confidence instead of wondering what pieces you’re missing or why something didn’t work the way you’d planned.
You sometimes struggle to feel motivated to ride or feel isolated because you ride by yourself. A group of like-minded horse enthusiasts who will share in your tiniest wins and keep you accountable for your goals sounds like a dream.
You’ve taken the right first steps. You’re getting some professional training and coaching, or maybe you’re trying to teach yourself through free videos and articles you’ve found online.
But taking your horsemanship skills to the next level is going to require more than the odd lesson and a broke horse.
It means taking ownership of your horsemanship journey.
Digging deeper into how to care well for your horse.
Learning about things like equine nutrition and joint care.
Discovering what you can do to become a better rider.
Developing your eye for equitation and training techniques.
I feel like my Momentum membership paid for itself in one post. The “Anatomy of a Great Warm-Up” helped me feel confident in what I’m doing when I’m riding my mare. I realized that I need to do more lateral work before working my reining maneuvers. I’m so glad to have this resource for when I head out to ride! Now I know what I should be doing!
At Hayes Cofell Performance Horses, we’ve spent thousands of hours giving lessons and coaching riders.
Our students are always telling us they wish they could be at our barn more or at a clinic every weekend because they just want to learn all they can.
You probably feel the same way!
You’re eager to learn and apply what you’re learning so you and your horse can compete at your highest level.
Reading articles and watching training tips online is great but you want direct access to someone who can answer your pressing horse and rider questions—an expert trainer and instructor you can trust.
That’s exactly why we created Momentum.
You want to go from feeling confused about how all the tips and techniques you’ve heard of work together to knowing exactly what applies to you.
That’s the journey you’ll be on as a member of Momentum.
First, you’ll evaluate where you are on the Momentum Riding Scale (see below!). And then we’ll help you get from wherever you are to a 6 on the scale. And when you’re a 6, we’ll celebrate together and keep learning and growing together, too.
When it comes to horses, there is always something new to be learned!
You just started riding or you're getting back into riding after a long break. You may be self taught or have not had much instruction. You're working on being balanced at the walk, jog and lope. You have minimal, if any, understanding of lateral movement or of isolating the hip, shoulder, ribcage and poll. You're not yet able to control flexion or collection and still use the reins, saddle and/or stirrups for balance. You look forward to making connections at your barn.
You have good balance in the three gaits and understand how different body parts work to influence the horse. You have had some good coaching. You understand how the different body aids work to influence the different parts of the horse (hip, ribcage, shoulder and poll). You have ridden multiple horses and usually at multiple locations. You have some understanding of flexion, lateral movement and collection and some experience with event-specific maneuvers. You know how to pick up feet, adjust all your equipment and the names and uses of several different bits.
You have good timing for transitions and spacial awareness in the arena. You may borrow, lease or own a horse and you ride frequently with good coaching. You know the basics of multiple western events and may have competed in them. You can ride at speed, slow a horses natural gait and you can influence self-carriage. You ride in balance with your horse without interfering with their natural movement for most shapes and transitions. You sometimes feel yourself get out of synch with your horse, especially in more challenging maneuvers. You ride in an event-specific saddle and you know how to do basic veterinary care like oral medications and bandaging.
You have considerable horsemanship skills. You may also have show ring experience at a provincial/state or national level. You have a strong background of coaching and a well-trained horse. You have good awareness of your own body and use of aids. You take instruction well and are able to incorporate new skills easily onto regular riding. You have a collection of bits, horse health products and leg protection. You ride under pressure, on different surfaces and in new locations frequently. You have a good understanding of how to apply each body aid for advanced western maneuvers. Your goals might include winning a year end award or competing at a major event.
You get along well with most horses, regardless of size, age, gender, level of training, or breed. You may own or have owned multiple horses geared towards the event of your choice. You can improve the movement and conformation of a horse. Your commitment to the sport carries over into other areas of your life like nutrition, fitness and mindset. You have a highly developed eye for riding, training, conformation and soundness. You are familiar with multiple types of wellness therapies for horses and pre-veterinary practices. Your goals may include showing futurity or derby horses at major events. The number of professionals who can help you reach your goals has shrunk and there are few whose advice you trust.
You have trained your body gymnastically to master all of the reining maneuvers with finesse. You make maneuvers in the 0 to +1/2 range look effortless and higher credit earning maneuvers you execute precisely. You are acutely aware of your body and you are confident in managing each shift of weight and footfall of your horse. Other riders respect and admire your way with horses on the ground, in the saddle and in the show pen. You have that something special that other riders want. You ride confidently in the arena with the best in your sport. You navigate joint and wellness maintenance or acute issues with veterinarians, farriers and other horse health experts as a respected equal. You may serve on a board or association to try to better the sport. You transition from horse to horse and event to event with poise and carry your previous knowledge into each new scenario. You have won multiple world championships in various events. You are a true horseman or horsewoman
Lindsay is the communicator who excels at illustrating concepts and ideas to her students. She’s recognized for her own beautiful equitation. She’s also known for empowering her students with knowledge of their own body parts as they relate to communicating with their horse.
Jess has been actively training, showing, shoeing and coaching Reiners for the last 20-plus years. He’s known for his incredible skill on the back of a horse and can identify the problem a rider is having with their horse quickly and effectively.
As a Momentum member, you’ll get new member-only content every week, including at least 2 video trainings each month!
Because we like to provide what our members are asking for, you’ll get content that’s tailored to what you need most.
From PDF downloads and checklists to training videos you can replay anytime, you’ll learn where to focus your efforts and time to make the biggest impact in your riding.
Plus, when you join today, you’ll get access to all the material we’ve already provided to our Momentum members.
Here’s what past content has included inside Momentum:
Anatomy of a Great Warm-up |
Getting Back to Riding |
First Ride at an NRHA Show |
Suppling a Stiff Horse | Riding A Ranch Pattern
Follow a Horse in Training | Groundwork and Ground Driving | Developing Your Eye: Identifying Pressures | Selecting Yearlings versus Buying Show Horses | Joint Care Live Q & A | Maneuver How-tos | Riding Plan Implementation
Maintaining Mental Soundness | Evaluating Products for Bone, Muscle, and Joint Health | Equitation Explained
Reining Patterns | Articles | Podcasts | Books | Links
I loved the Facebook Live all about Joint Care with Lindsay and Jess. I took Jess’ advice and started rubbing Bucky’s legs down after every ride. Now she loves it and looks forward to it and I’ve noticed she stands more still in the cross-ties even when my other horses are fretting and calling. It feels nice to do something nice for her after our ride. I’m definitely making this part of my riding routine.
Private Facebook Group
When you join Momentum, you also get exclusive access to our private Momentum Facebook group.
Inside the group you’ll get to connect directly with your fellow Momentum members. You’ll share your riding wins and lessons learned plus get and give advice.
The Momentum Community is what our members tell us is one of the best parts of being a member!
Here’s what you get inside the members-only group:
Make new friends and connect with others who have similar riding and horsemanship goals. You might even find a neighbour that you can ride with!
Ask questions and get answers right there in the group from fellow riders who are on this journey with you.
Monthly FB Lives with Lindsay and Jess (Our most popular FB live to date was all about joint care and all the things we do at HCPH to take the best care of our equine athletes.)
I absolutely love getting the feedback on my show video that I submitted. So much great feedback on how to improve!!! I constantly watch my runs and go over every detail of my pattern. This has really been super helpful for getting me out of my own head. I’ll be submitting more runs on my gelding!
On the fence? Let us help!
Momentum is for you if …
You want to progress in your riding at a faster rate than you are right now. You want to have more clarity and less confusion so you can show confidently.
Riding concepts can be difficult to grasp so videos help you visually see what you’re learning about. They create an opportunity for you to be learning even when you’re not riding.
You don’t want to just be a rider who knows technical skills. You want to be able to trouble shoot on your own, identify training techniques and provide pre-veterinary care to your horse.
Momentum probably isn’t for you if you’re …
If you’re brand-new to riding, we recommend getting into in-person riding lessons first so you can learn the basics. The material inside of Momentum is created with the assumption that you’re past the basics of riding.
We believe the horse comes first and the sport comes second. All the advice inside of Momentum is horse-centred. If you want to win but not bother with things like properly fitted tack or maintaining long-term soundness, you won’t find this to be the right fit.
Momentum is focused on you and your riding and general horsemanship skills. Sure, we’ll share some training principles with you sometimes but the lessons and material inside of Momentum are not provided to teach you how to go train a horse from start to finish on your own.
Once you sign up, you’re asked to create a password. Each week you’ll get an email when we’ve posted new content with the log in link. You enter your password and get instant access. The new content is presented first but you can also access previous content in the Table of Contents on the left side of the screen!
Where other online programs provide video libraries, Momentum provides you with a roadmap and path to become the rider you want to be, along with ongoing education and support.
Absolutely. There are riding critiques of other non-pro’s runs and video trainings specifically made for Reiners.
Most of the content is geared for people who have access to a horse regularly but it doesn’t have to be an owned horse. We even have a few members who don’t ride at all anymore and just like to keep up and watch the videos!
Momentum isn’t meant to be a training resource to teach you to train your own horse. So, if you have a two-year-old you’re looking to start, this is not for you. But if you want to develop the fundamentals of riding your horse such as changing leads and learning to do a sliding stop, then this is for you.
Because of the membership structure, no free trials are offered. Momentum was not designed to be consumed all at once. Instead, it was created to help you as move through and make progress with your horse. That means you’ll get ongoing support and education along the way.
You’ll get immediate access to ALL the goods.