Eliminate your holes.
Master your technique.
Ride with finesse.

Ready to uplevel your confidence as a rider?
It starts with equitation.

Everything changes when you understand how your horse takes direction.


What Is Equitation Accelerator?

How It Works

Meet the Pro

There is a reason for equitation skills, and it is not to look pretty.

Equitation is about the PHYSICS and THRUST and SPEED and BALANCE and motion, and how the human body either gets in the way of the horse as he does his job, or gets out of the way so he can function.

~ Denny Emerson

Equitation Is the First Step to Get Out of Your Horse's Way

The English world has diagrams, illustrations, visuals, and a real focus on equitation skills to help riders develop a strong basis.

And while some of what applies to a Dressage rider does apply to a reiner, a lot does not.

Case in point: If you ride in a perfect ear, shoulder, hip, heel alignment while riding a fast circle, one handed, you would put her out of balance.

If you were to ride in that ear, shoulder, hip, heel alignment for a sliding stop you’d probably fall off.

Equitation Accelerator was designed to give you the information you need to not just fill in the holes in your riding but actually resurface the whole foundation of your skills.

You’ll understand HOW horses take direction. HOW your body gets in the way or improves the motion.

How does understanding where your centre of gravity is and how it influences your horse help you nail that transition to the fast circle?

Why does understand ear, shoulder, hip, heel alignment matter and how does it influence the symmetry of the gait?

How does your horse’s body respond if you tip forward by two degrees?

That’s what you’ll learn inside Equitation Accelerator.

Through my systematic, results-driven approach, you will understand how your body influences the horse in the basic gaits, with a special focus on reining maneuvers.

I. CAN’T. WAIT. to show you this!

What's included in Equitation Accelerator?

As a student in Equitation Accelerator, you’ll have everything you need to understand the WHY behind what you do to create the shapes you want in your horse.

This program is completely knowledge-based which means there is NO riding required.

You’ll get a deep dive into the theory behind how horses take direction and and the what/why/how/when we move our bodies to communicate with them through …

In-Depth Video Lessons

Live Coaching Calls

Answers to Your Questions

Starting in mid-January 2023, you’ll be on a 12-week journey to solidify the foundation of your riding.

Do NOT worry about overwhelm. Your course content will be delivered on a bi-weekly basis so you have plenty of time to digest before moving on to the next module. 

And, I’ll be there to answer your questions through coaching (support) calls and in the comments of each lesson.

LIFETIME ACCESS!  Plus, you’ll have lifetime access to the course materials so you can revisit anytime.

Ready to see what’s inside? 

Here's the Breakdown

Discover my 5-step process to accelerate your equitation skills.

Module ONE

Direction from the Horse's Perspective

You’ll understand how a horse takes direction and how that carries from when they’re first born to being shown in the reining arena.

Module TWO

Progression of Horse and Rider

Through an in-depth breakdown, you’ll see the progression of both horse and rider through all the different levels of training.

Module THREE

Get In the Way or Out of the Way

Discover the difference between natural aids and artificial aids, why each one has its place, and the how, when and why behind using them in your riding.

Module FOUR

Solidify the Fundamental Maneuvers

Become super familiar with the correct way to ask for the things we ask of our horses the most: walk, jog, lope, stop, back up, and turn.  You’ll learn how to stay out of your horse’s way for each of these fundamentals so you set yourself up for success at more advanced maneuvers like spinning, sliding stops, and lead changes.

Module FIVE

Mastering Advanced Reining Maneuvers

Understand exactly how your body influences your horse through circles, lead changes, stops, spins and back-ups.

PSA: Equitation Is Not Just for Advanced Riders

If you’re already competing and you’re a green reiner, rookie reiner, or non-pro, this course is for you.

If you’re not yet competing but you’ve always been intrigued by reining or what it takes to be a reiner, this is also for you.

Meet Your Instructor

Lindsay Hayes-Cofell

Hi, I’m Lindsay Hayes-Cofell, and equitation is my jam.

In other words, I’m known for empowering students with knowledge of their own body parts as they relate to communicating with their horse so they can ride with confidence.

I’ve been horseback since I was a child and teaching riding lessons since High School. But, graduating from Meredith Manor International Equestrian School, North America’s only five-star equestrian school, brought my love of equitation to life. 

Since then, I’ve accumulated a number of NRHA affiliate championships and Top 10 world standings, and my husband Jess and I have coached riders to Top 10 finishes at the Quarter Horse Congress as well as NRHA Top 10 standings plus accolades in ranch riding and cow horse events.  

I live and breathe what I teach about equitation. And I can’t wait to help you transform your riding!

lindsay hayes cofell

Lindsay Hayes-Cofell

Hayes Cofell Performance Horses | MMIEC Riding Master IV | NRHA Professional | AQHA Professional

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hayes cofell performance horses logo

What Others Are Saying

 I never would have ordered a custom saddle without the help of Lindsay and Jess. I just wouldn’t have known what to order.

I’m SO glad I did! It helps my riding and I know Bucky is more comfortable without me constantly pulling my saddle back over to the right! Plus, I love it. I didn’t know you could love an inanimate object so much!

Kim Melchers

Holding Her custom saddle

I always wanted a Bob’s. I visited the head office in Arizona in 2017 and hoped one day I would have one. I have researched a lot of high-end saddles and I don’t believe you can find the quality of the craftsmanship and the variety of custom options in any other saddle maker.

This is a dream come true for me. I love it more every time I ride in it. I can feel that it’s changing the way I ride my stops and turns. I just love riding in it!

Sally Pelleboer

With Her custom saddle

bobs model sally


Most frequent questions and answers
How much riding do I need to do to follow along?

Absolutely none! This is a completely knowledge-based course.

What time / when are the coaching calls?

Live calls will likely be over the lunch hour through the week (about 12:30 PM EST).

What if I can’t make it to the coaching calls and I have questions?

Coaching calls replays will be uploaded so you can submit your questions ahead of time.

Also, you can ask questions directly inside of the course and I’ll answer your questions there for all to see.

Is this only for reiners?

The first four modules of the course are not specifically for reiners. That means if you have no interest in doing any reining, you can still benefit from a complete understanding of how your body influences your horse.

How long will I have access to the material?

As a student of Equitation Accelerator, you’ll have lifetime access to the material you purchase.

Why is pricing in USD?

We have international clients and U.S. currency is the most easily recognized. Our course platform is run in USD so it also helps us to make sure everything runs smoothly for you as a student.

Ready to Uplevel Your Equitation Skills?

This NRHA Futurity special price is only good through December 8!

At an equestrian school, you would pay as much as $3,200 USD for this course.

The Equitation Accelerator is only $1,497 USD.

Equitation Accelerator will not just change the way you ride. It will completely transform the way you ride … for good

Are you ready to be the rider your horse needs you to be? Let’s get started!

*Enrollment is currently closed. **

Be the first to know when enrollment opens again! 

3 Monthly Payments

  • In-depth Video Lessons
  • LIVE Coaching Calls
  • Answers to YOUR Questions